I write about new pieces of art or culture that I encounter, or about old favorites. I discuss the brand new (to me anyway), and the ridiculously niche, or sometimes both.
BoJack Horseman, and When You Keep On Living
BoJack Horseman, an unusually singular entry into the adult animation genre, uniquely blends comedy and drama into what can only be called a “tragicomedy.” But yeah, he’s also literally a horse.
The Comeback, and the Ineffaceable Embarrassment of Reinvention
A reality show relies on vulnerability. Its engine runs on moments where we catch human beings on camera in their lowest, most embarrassing state. And what’s more embarrassing than a desperate attempt at reinvention?
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, the Proof That Star Wars Has More Stories To Tell
In the past few years, I’ve had a growing sense that the Star Wars franchise had seen its best days, and that an increasingly fast turnaround rate for franchise installments led to some series fatigue. But then, I found Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order.
Submissions Only, the Absurdly Prescient Masterpiece You’ve Never Heard Of
In the world of Submissions Only, a dream is alive and well amongst the show’s endearing cast of characters. It’s the dream of the working actor, the dream of just having a job, and somewhere to go when you wake up in the morning.
Gypsy, or The Gayest Way to Enjoy Female Burlesque
As a longtime Sondheim fan, discovering Gypsy for the first time provided me with the rare experience of watching something that felt familiar, while also having my expectations completely subverted.
An Inaugural, Hesitant Blog Post
Self-indulgence is hard for me...when it’s public.